The EPOWERSYS Current Measuring & Calibration System is a stand-alone system designed to measure with high accuracy and high precision the long-term stability, and also, the DC and AC currents.
The Current Measuring & Calibration System is developed to be used with the zero flux DCCTs allowing measurements of currents up to kA.
The system integrates a burden resistor and a conditioning network feeding a 24-bit temperature stabilized ADC in order to have 0 ppm/K, eliminating the temperature dependence. The digital section interfaced to the ADC performs a calibrated measurement in order to eliminate the non-ideal behavior thus providing an accurate measurement of the current stability.
The advantage of this device against the rest is that the accuracy in ppm, measured on dynamic range is not altered in any of the case for external factors that may change the burdens temperature, this is possible thanks to Peltier Technology that maintains the system temperature and the burden resistor in 20 ºC without any influence from the external temperature.